How Practicing LeetCode Daily Changed My Life as a Software Developer

Shweta Jain
5 min readOct 2, 2024

Developers who focus on honing their problem-solving skills regularly are the ones who stand out in technical interviews. LeetCode provides an excellent platform for that continuous practice.

As a software developer, the journey of growth is never-ending. We constantly need to upskill and adapt to new challenges. I discovered this firsthand when I began preparing for technical interviews. The more I delved into coding problems, the more I realized the importance of continuous practice. My go-to resource? LeetCode.

Here’s my story and why I believe practicing LeetCode daily can make a significant impact on your development as a software engineer.

The Initial Struggles

Start with something simple and small, then expand over time. If people call it a ‘toy’ you’re definitely onto something. If you’re waiting for encouragement from others, you’re doing it wrong. By the time people think an idea is good, it’s probably too late.



Shweta Jain
Shweta Jain

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